These pictures and specifications are indicative of the vehicle that will be supplied under your booking. Actual vehicles may vary according to year of manufacture and availability, but your vehicle will be suitable for the required number of people and have similar specifications to those on this website. Vehicles cannot be requested by make, model, year of manufacture, features or specifications.
Vehicle Specifications:
For a full list of specifications and to compare our range of Apollo Campers, please click below.
For travel between 01 April 2025 until 31 March 2026.
Child Restraints:
A maximum of two child restraints can be fitted to this camper.
A child seat (from birth until approximately four years) or booster seat (for children aged between four and seven years) can be fitted to the forward-facing seats in the rear (where the two anchor points are positioned). Child and booster seats are an additional hire item.
For more information on Child Restraints please read our guideline below:
For travel between 01 April 2025 until 31 March 2026
Rental Agreement:
Rental agreement - pick up between 01 April 2025 and 31 March 2026